What is BURRITO DAY, you ask? We can get into details later. Briefly FYI, it's turned into an annual celebration of Bro
Matt declaring it BURRITO DAY IN LA, during a December 19, 1983 KXLU newscast.
Historical highlights include:
- In 1985, Mayor Tom Bradley issued the official proclamation, declaring December 19 as BURRITO DAY IN LA.
- In 1987, President Ronald Reagan had his favorite Mexican joint in Santa Barbara ship a load of burritos for the White
House celebration ...
- In 2003, holiday celebration & Mike Watt's birthday bash at Little Pedro's Blue Bongo with music by DOS - Mike Watt
& Kira, and by Carlos Guitarlos.
Food & toy drive collection went to The Toberman Settlement House.
Little Pedro's Blue Bongo .... 901 E. 1st St @ Vignes, 90012 (a block east of Alameda) 313-687-3766. http://www.bluebongocafe.com/
